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Your LOCAL Marquette Method NFP Instructors

As Catholic healthcare professionals, we are honored to bring the simplicity of Marquette Method Natural Family planning, with its evidence based technology and scientific roots, to our local community. Based in Western North Dakota, we offer classes all over the state. 


Why the Marquette Method of

Natural Family Planning?


The Marquette Method is a protocol for charting menstrual cycles that can help couples to achieve or avoid pregnancy naturally. It can also help track overall menstrual health and identify potential issues with fertility. While Marquette Method was developed by a Catholic university and offers an understanding of fertility that is consistent with Church teachings, the method itself does not require the practice of any particular religion. Indeed it offers a healthier, more natural way for all women to track their menstrual health.


The method works by identifying peaks in fertility hormones to determine a couple's fertile window. This is often done using a fertility monitor or hormone tests but can also be done by tracking biological symptoms. With typical use, Marquette is up to 98% effective. It is relatively easy to learn and only requires the user to take a quick test during their fertile window and to chart once a day. To learn more about the Marquette Method, contact us!

Who is Marquette Method For?

The Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning offers a safe, natural alternative to traditional birth control for all types of women. We are trained to walk with you, where ever you are on your fertility journey!

Single Women



Engaged Couples*


Irregular Cycles/



Spouses and Families



*for couples looking for more information on learning NFP as part of marriage preparation required by the Catholic Church please visit the Bismarck Diocese's website here.


Meet Our Team!

Our team is made up of health professionals- chiropractors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses- striving to bring NFP to our local community!

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"These women are the best! They're down to earth, super smart, and care about those they work with as individuals."

“We learned a lot. And it was kinda fun :)”

“Helpful! I learned something new about my cycle after “semi-charting” for over a year.”

The human body includes right from the beginning… the capacity of expressing love, that love in which the person becomes a gift – and by means of this gift – fulfills the meaning of his being and existence.

- Pope Saint John Paul II

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